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Importing test scripts from Excel with custom columns in to RQM

William McCown (111) | asked Jun 12 '20, 12:09 p.m.

I have just been given the responsibility to get our test scripts imported in to RQM. We are using four columns in Excel to hold all the pieces we need. I can get three of them to go smoothly in to the default test script columns, Description, Expected Results, and Attachments. The problem I am having is with our requirement IDs. In RQM I have created a custom column for the IDs. In the .cfg file I cant seem to get things right to put the value from Excel in the test script ID column in RQM.

.cfg file




When I try and do the import i get some errors.

"Error sending to server images_Test_2.xml of type testscript
The remote server returned an error:(400) Bad Request."

I'm certain that I am doing something wrong, but I don't know what it is. I used the sample "WOW Test Cases" to get the structure for the custom attributes part. I have also read the and that other parts of the wiki and have not found anything about custom attributes for test scripts. I was hoping that I could just change "case" to "script" and it would work. 

Any help would be appreciated.

2 answers

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Mehul Patel (9695) | answered Jun 15 '20, 1:48 a.m.


Could you please check whether the identifier of the custom attribute is correct, check wiki on how to get Custom Attribute Identifier and follow steps. 

Please note, step custom attribute is available only v602 onward, and if you are using earlier version than this then you might see some unexpected error.


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William McCown (111) | answered Jun 15 '20, 3:53 p.m.


What you suggested was the problem. I had gotten it in my head from reading various things in the wiki and this forum led me to believe that the identifier was the first name you gave to the custom attribute. Thank you for pointing me in this direction.

While looking in to this some more I ran across the tool called RQMURL utility, read about it here I could not get this tool on the computer I needed it on as my organizations IT department has to approve all software on the computer and have not gotten to it.

In the mean time  I talked to some of my coworkers and one of them suggested to use the dev tools in the web browser to see what was sent. So I made a test script with some data in the custom attribute. I saved off what the browser sent, then I changed the data, sent, and saved again. I then compared both of them looking for my change. This led me to find the attribute ID. I have tried to import with this ID and it woks. This is perhaps not the best way to find it, but it is a workaround.

Mehul Patel commented Jun 15 '20, 11:23 p.m.


I'm glad, it worked for you. Yes RQMUrlUtility is one of the way to conclude identifier which internally makes to similar REST call what you might have captured. You could refer RQM Reportable REST API ( for more details related to REST support.


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