How to resolve "parent team area is not part of this team area hierarchy" exception?
Hi all,
I have following team hierarchy:
--GrandParent Team
---Parent Team
-- Child Team
When I am creating team area form bottom to top using recursion. "Parent Team" and "Child Team" created successfully and add "Child Team" as a child of "Parent Team". But when I tried to create "GrandParent Team" and add child "Parent Team", "parent team area is not part of this team area hierarchy" is thrown.
I am not sure about creation of this type of hierarchy is possible or not using plain Java API, but I used below API to add child for parent-child relation it works but grandparent-parent it failed:
teamAreaHierarchy.addChild((ITeamAreaHandle) createdGrandParentTeamArea.getItemHandle(), createdParentTeamArea);
Please suggest the solution on the exception occurred