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RQMCopyUtility - correct URL

Karen Steele (1.2k2137146) | asked Sep 11 '23, 2:20 p.m.
I have this, it starts, but does not actually do anything so wondering if there is something wrong here with the information - copying from one server to another (source is 5.0.2)

java -jar RQMCopyUtility.jar -s=https:/{servername}:9443/qm/secure/service/{projectname} -us={username} -pws={password} -d=https://{servername}:9443/qm/{projectname} -artifactType=testplan -artifactId=600 -i=remotescript -l=importlog.txt -force

Because the assets are so big, I need to copy individually by the UUID of the test plan e.g. the 600

Thanks in advance for any help

Karen Steele commented Sep 12 '23, 7:35 a.m.
I think I have the plan in the wrong place .. would this be correct ?

java -jar RQMCopyUtility.jar -s=https:/{servername}:9443/qm/secure/service/{projectname} -us={username} -pws={password} -artifactType=testplan -artifactId=600 -d=https://{servername}:9443/qm/{projectname}  -i=remotescript -l=importlog.txt -force

Karen Steele commented Sep 12 '23, 12:33 p.m.

confirmed I had the test plan id in the wrong spot the above works

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Karen Steele (1.2k2137146) | answered Sep 12 '23, 12:33 p.m.
java -jar RQMCopyUtility.jar -s=https:/{servername}:9443/qm/secure/service/{projectname} -us={username} -pws={password} -artifactType=testplan -artifactId=600 -d=https://{servername}:9443/qm/{projectname}  -i=remotescript -l=importlog.txt -force

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