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RDNG gives pop up to save modified artifacts indefinite times

Vishakha Kansal (3116) | asked May 05 '20, 4:07 a.m.

 I have created a javascript extension which runs over a module level for all artifacts in it. It programatically checks for square bullets and convert them to round bullets and saves artifact. After running the extension RDNG gives popup for indefinite time saying artifact has been modified. Can anyone please help on this.

Thanks in Advance!!!

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Bartosz Chrabski (3.4k22949) | answered May 05 '20, 6:14 a.m.

 Hi Vishakha,

I had similar issue in one of my projects too. Without seeing you code it is difficult to say where you problem is.

Following code is working fine.

// Reset process attributes on all artifacts in a module
   RM.Data.getContentsStructure(module, function(result){

 // Build up data to save here
 var toSave = [];

 // For each artifact in the module, reset process attributes{

    // Create a new ArtifactAttributes object to contain the update data
    var artifactAttributes = new RM.ArtifactAttributes();
    var attributeValues = new RM.AttributeValues();
    artifactAttributes.ref = item;
    artifactAttributes.values = attributeValues;

    // Reset some attribute values


  // Perform a bulk save of all attributes
  RM.Data.setAttributes(toSave, function(result){
     if(result.code = RM.OperationResult.OPERATION_OK)
        // error handling code here

}); }

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