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CLM / ELM and AWS RDS Support

Krzysztof Koprowski (1017) | asked May 01 '20, 12:50 p.m.
retagged May 03 '20, 7:34 p.m. by Bartosz Chrabski (3.4k22949)

We are working with the customer who is planning CLM deployment using AWS EC2 (IaaS), which is not a technical problem for our point of view.

The customer also asked me if they can use AWS RDS Oracle which is the implementation of Oracle database as a service. My question here is not if it will work but if IBM support will provide support for such a deployment.

We are aware that if the customer will use the service there are some limitations in accessing logs and instance modification.

I would like to know if IBM development will support this.

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Bartosz Chrabski (3.4k22949) | answered May 01 '20, 12:55 p.m.

1. The database service must be running a version of Oracle, Db2 or Microsoft SQL Server conforming to the System Requirements for Continuous Engineering. If your Cloud provider stops providing a version of a database which is supported by ELM, then it becomes your responsibility to install, support, and migrate to a supported database version 

2. If IBM recommends measures to improve tuning, monitoring, or debugging of the database within the Cloud Service, you are responsible to implement these measures, working with your Cloud Service provider if necessary For further guidance and best practice when deploying on Public Cloud Services, please see the following page in the Deployment wiki: Deployment Patterns and Anti-patterns when using Cloud Services

Krzysztof Koprowski selected this answer as the correct answer

Krzysztof Koprowski commented May 01 '20, 1:03 p.m.

Thank You ! 

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