History for a plan
In one of our iteration plans (type: release backlog) we created an additional page (from the Notes tab of the plan click on the 'Plus' sign button with title 'Add New Page'). We used this extra page to collect information related to this plan.
After many weeks and a lot of editing on this page it has vanished. We are not sure if someone accidentally deleted it or whatever else happened. Is there any kind of history that can help to clarify this, or even can help to get our data back ? We checked operation history and project events, but they don't show such plan page changes.
A dashboard has the possibility to add '?internal' to the URL to make a 'Show History' button available. Is there any possibility to do something similar for plans ?
Thanks and regards, Frank
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Apr 27 '20, 5:10 a.m.I am not aware, that there is a history for that kind of information.