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Creating a new project area from a template which contains required custom fields

I have a project area and I export the template. This is a custom template where we have added custom fields to the Task work item which is Required on create.
I import this process template and then attempt to create a new project area and initialize it, and it fails. I believe this is because it is attempting to auto-generate the 8 or so Task work items for a new project area.
Is there a way around this?
2 answers


How can I tell RTC not to trigger task creation in the RTC Eclipse client when I create/initialize a new PA?

Thanks ... that worked ... perhaps you can help on my next problem as well :-)
I am using RTC 4.0.5 and all of my Enumerations are configured in the project area itself (no external database or anything).
With my brand new project area, when I attempt to create the first work item, one of my enumerations shows up already with an "X" on it and no value in it. It is supposed to default to Unassigned, which is what I have defined:
<enumeration attributeTypeId="functionalArea" name="Functional Area">
<literal default="true" id="functionalArea.literal.l32" name="Unassigned" null="true"/>
<literal id="functionalArea.literal.l40" name="N/A"/>
... and more
However, it shows with nothing in the field and so I can't choose anything out of it (which is a problem for me). Everything ot me looks okay, AND this works perfectly well on the server that I just exported the process template from (I am creating a test area on my local server instead of a common server somewhere else).
Any ideas?

umm no - a closer look to the template might help.

1. Open PA in Eclipse Client > Process Configuration Tab > Project Configuration > Project Area Initialization > Server follow-up actions > Setup Projects > Scroll down to find the Work item templates section and use the cross against the summary of each work item listed there to remove them all.
2. Right click on the Uninitialized PA from Team Artifcats view and Perform the Initialization
hope it helps