possibility to setup role and/or test processing instructions
Is there any possibility to setup “processing instructions” in RQM test tool?
Depending on the defined role to show different amount of the test script
Meaning that; A tester should only search test steps that is assigned to
her/him to execute and export test results based on "that role" tester are is assigned for.
Accepted answer
Hi Khadang,
Generally by default every project member will have read access unless Access Control list is specified and enabled at the project level. So in short, there is no way you can restrict any project area or a team member for having read access.
However, Execute restrictions can be put like Create, Delete, Edit,Permanently Delete,Restore for Execution records.
Also, PDF export results permissions can now be controlled for artifacts using the permissions "Export to PDF" for List and Editor view.
Hope this helps,
Krupa Gunhalkar