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Can you lock a Changeset for editting prior to delivery

Ben Sharples (813360) | asked Mar 23 '20, 7:13 a.m.
Within our business process whenever changes are proposed, prior to embodiment they would go through a formal review and impact assessment, during which time those changes are not to be modified.

Is it possible to control a changeset such that it can be locked for editing whilst not delivering the changeset to the stream.

I know I can prevent delivery to stream without an approved workitem.

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Alexander Pawlik (6128) | answered Mar 23 '20, 2:16 p.m.

I did something similar some time ago. We used some Server Side Plugins. Within the Server Side Plugins we implemented the logic that was defined for the Delivery (e. g. only one file with a special extension, some check boxes within the work item need to be checked, the work item needs to be in a special state, multiple approvers with different roles and so on).

Ralph Schoon commented Mar 24 '20, 4:14 a.m.

The question is for Doors Next Generation. I don't think you can extend DNG that way. Not sure though. 

Alexander Pawlik commented Mar 24 '20, 4:42 a.m.

Thanks for the hint - my comment was focused on the product formerly known as RTC :-(

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