What is DNG reqif import looking for to designate new types?
I am attempting to import a reqif file (DOORS 9.6) from a customer into DNG (6.0.4). It is intended to update the requirements specification they previously sent. When I do this the import creates a 2nd copy of all of the existing Artifact types, Attributes, and data types.
One answer
Hi David,
You can use either ReqIF or the Data Migration Wizard to bring data into DNG from DOORS Classic.
If have done both and found that the Migration Wizard is by far the better option.
The wizard will do clever stuff like synchronise duplicate attributes defined in multiple Classic modules into a single attribute in the target DNG project without you having to assign matching URL ID values to the Classic AttrDefs (which you would have to do if you tried using ReqIF)
You are probably getting duplicates because the ReqIF data does not have the URLs set up to identify matching data types across multiple modules. This should have been done in DOORS Classic before creating the ReqUIF file. But even if you do this the process will still not be as good as the migration wizard process.
You can also map artifact types and module types using the Migration Wizard but not using ReqIF. This allows the import process to identify multiple modules as being of the same type. Otherwise it will create a separate artifact type for each module.