RQM REST API 403 error "Edit section header" permission
I'm currently able to edit execution results using the rest api with no errors, I want to edit some test cases but I get a 403 error that says
Save Test Case Failed You don't have permission to perform the following actions:
Edit Section Header (edit section header)
I have permission to create and edit test cases but not to Edit Section Header
I get the error even when sending a unedited xml of an existing test case by performing a GET then PUT to the same address without changing the xml
the issue seems to be the same as this
but the server I am working on is running version 6.0.5
One answer
You might not have permission to update the information in the project. When you use the API you still have the same role constraints as when you use the UI. If you colleague can make the changes but you can't, it's possible he/she has a role in the project that allows the update and you don't have the same role.
I have found what's causing the permission issue, I'm able to make the changes I want in the UI but not over the API
when using the API to upload the XML it is attempting to change the name of the Test Case Design section header of the test case, in the UI this has been set to "Test Steps"
The XML contains this element
<com.ibm.rqm.planning.editor.section.testCaseDesign xmlns="http://jazz.net/xmlns/alm/qm/v0.1/" extensionDisplayName="Test Steps"><div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">1.Check for icon in the side bar of the screen </div></com.ibm.rqm.planning.editor.section.testCaseDesign>
When I uploaded this XML using my colleagues account it was changing the section name without me noticing hence why it would only with his account permissions and not mine
Even if I use the RQM URL utility to download and upload the same XML file it is attempting to change this section header?
Ara Masrof
JAZZ DEVELOPER Feb 20 '20, 8:47 a.m.Luke Locastro
Feb 20 '20, 8:58 a.m..
Luke Locastro
Feb 20 '20, 8:57 a.m.Yes I perform the GET then use the response data in PUT without changing and get the error, I also tried removing the read only elements but got the same error
But as i'm not making any changes to the xml I thought I should be able to perform the PUT without this permission