How to link one defect and related quality task (update test case because of this defect)
In Jazz Change and Configuration Management (CCM), when there is one defect that tester thinks it should be updated to test case. Tester creates one quality task and link with relationship Parent-Child between this defect and related quality task: defect is Parent, quality task is Children
However, it is not convenient enough as we have to create number of quality task same as total number of defects we consider that they need to be available in our test.
In practice, we create one generic quality task (include many defects-which need to be updated) then assign for someone to conduct. If we use Parent-Child relationship, it does not allow to set one Child having many Parents. The previous linked Parent will be replaced by the latest linked one
Do you have any other suggestions?
I see relationship "Add Related" can be possible. At defect, we can link to multiple quality task and in reverse direction, from quality task, we can link to multiple defects. The "Links" tab/relationship shown on both defect and quality task work item are always "Related"
To know if defect has related quality task- which to update in test case, we just need to create a custom query to list out defects that have following conditions:
- Type: Defect
- Related type: quality task
- Related test case: Exists (use "Do not exist" if we want to see defects which do not have written test yet)
Many thanks in advance for your help
Accepted answer
One other answer
Thank you Krupa
Could you advise any specific scenario that we use relationship Parent-Child? Like one defect is Parent and to resolve this defect, we need to have many Children defects? If so, it is better to create every single Child defect first with detail as much as possible and we do not need to create Parent defect