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Delivering change sets automatically between streams from a

Jose Miguel Ordax Cassa (2.4k4126100) | asked Nov 10 '09, 9:53 a.m.
Hi, I am playing around with following scenario: I have different
development streams for different teams, each one using its own SCM
component. And I have an integration single stream for all of them with
all SCM components.

As nightly and continuous build I would like to refresh automatically
integration stream's components with the content of same components in
each development stream. The way I found to do it, is manually point all
repositories workspace to integration stream and deliver change sets.
Another manual way to do it is open integration stream and replace each
component with current baseline of each development stream.

But I would like an automatically way to do it from the build script.
BTW, all development streams flow to the integration stream in its
definition but nothing happens (it seems it is a descriptive filed
instead a functional one).

Amy help or suggestion?

Thanks in advance,


11 answers

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Jose Miguel Ordax Cassa (2.4k4126100) | answered Nov 11 '09, 2:38 a.m.
Chemi wrote:
Hi, I am playing around with following scenario: I have different
development streams for different teams, each one using its own SCM
component. And I have an integration single stream for all of them with
all SCM components.

As nightly and continuous build I would like to refresh automatically
integration stream's components with the content of same components in
each development stream. The way I found to do it, is manually point all
repositories workspace to integration stream and deliver change sets.
Another manual way to do it is open integration stream and replace each
component with current baseline of each development stream.

But I would like an automatically way to do it from the build script.
BTW, all development streams flow to the integration stream in its
definition but nothing happens (it seems it is a descriptive filed
instead a functional one).

Amy help or suggestion?

Thanks in advance,


Further investigation shows me this article:

What I need is "Recipe 2: Promoting Changes to Another Stream When a
Build Succeeds" but I am wondering if I can deliver directly from stream
A to stream B without passing the change sets through a temporal
repository workspace. Is it possible?



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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Nov 11 '09, 8:07 a.m.
Hi Chemi,

as far as I know you can't. The flow target in a stream is for documentation. You always use a repository workspace load that from one stream, switch to the other stream, integrate the changes, test and deliver there.


Chemi wrote:
Hi, I am playing around with following scenario: I have different
development streams for different teams, each one using its own SCM
component. And I have an integration single stream for all of them with
all SCM components.

As nightly and continuous build I would like to refresh automatically
integration stream's components with the content of same components in
each development stream. The way I found to do it, is manually point all
repositories workspace to integration stream and deliver change sets.
Another manual way to do it is open integration stream and replace each
component with current baseline of each development stream.

But I would like an automatically way to do it from the build script.
BTW, all development streams flow to the integration stream in its
definition but nothing happens (it seems it is a descriptive filed
instead a functional one).

Amy help or suggestion?

Thanks in advance,


Further investigation shows me this article:

What I need is "Recipe 2: Promoting Changes to Another Stream When a
Build Succeeds" but I am wondering if I can deliver directly from stream
A to stream B without passing the change sets through a temporal
repository workspace. Is it possible?



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Jose Miguel Ordax Cassa (2.4k4126100) | answered Nov 11 '09, 9:23 a.m.
rschoon wrote:
Hi Chemi,

as far as I know you can't. The flow target in a stream is for
documentation. You always use a repository workspace load that from
one stream, switch to the other stream, integrate the changes, test
and deliver there.


I follow those steps when doing manually. But I thought via SCM CLI
could be more direct (although internally SCM CLI could be doing such
steps). But I don't see how... so it seems I need to follow those steps
also when doing from SCM CLI.



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Jose Miguel Ordax Cassa (2.4k4126100) | answered Nov 11 '09, 12:23 p.m.
Chemi wrote:
rschoon wrote:
Hi Chemi,

as far as I know you can't. The flow target in a stream is for
documentation. You always use a repository workspace load that from
one stream, switch to the other stream, integrate the changes, test
and deliver there.


I follow those steps when doing manually. But I thought via SCM CLI
could be more direct (although internally SCM CLI could be doing such
steps). But I don't see how... so it seems I need to follow those steps
also when doing from SCM CLI.



Nope! I was wrong... "scm deliver" supports delivers between streams
without passing through a temporal repository workspace:

I have tested successfully.



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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Nov 11 '09, 2:30 p.m.
Hi Chemi,

I didn't know that. Thanks for discovering and posting!


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Jose Miguel Ordax Cassa (2.4k4126100) | answered Jun 17 '10, 1:47 p.m.
On 11/11/2009 6:17 PM, Chemi wrote:
Chemi wrote:
Nope! I was wrong... "scm deliver" supports delivers between streams
without passing through a temporal repository workspace:

I have tested successfully.



Interesting, this worked fine with RTC

Right now, I am trying to do the same with RTC iFix2 and I get
following error:

Delivering changes from "Java EE Development" into "Global
No baselines to flow.
Problem running 'deliver':
Cannot flow components via command line interface.
Result: 19

Any idea? Could it be a regression problem? Or it shouldn't work and in was an unexpected behavior?

Thanks in advance,


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Jose Miguel Ordax Cassa (2.4k4126100) | answered Jun 18 '10, 3:07 a.m.
Still doing tests with no success.

The piece of code that worked in was (stream to stream) and it
is failing now in iFix2:


And I received:

Delivering changes from "Java EE Development" into "Global
No baselines to flow.
Problem running 'deliver':
Cannot flow components via command line interface.
Result: 19

Then, I have changed the code to deliver from the build repository
workspace like this:


And I receive:

Delivering changes from "Java EE Build Workspace" into "Global
Baselines to flow:
Component "Web Interface App" baseline 26 -
Comment: Snapshot created by automated build
Problem running 'deliver':
Cannot flow components via command line interface.
Result: 19

Why is it trying to deliver a component??? The component specified in -C
argument already exists in the target stream. As I understand the SCM
CLI command, it should deliver the changes of the specified component.
Not deliver a component itself. Right?

I am going to try upgrading to iFix3 but meanwhile... any help
on this?

Thanks in advance,


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Jose Miguel Ordax Cassa (2.4k4126100) | answered Jun 18 '10, 3:54 a.m.

Still doing tests with no success.

The piece of code that worked in was (stream to stream) and it
is failing now in iFix2:

_exec executable="${scm.home}/scm.exe">
_arg value="deliver" />
_arg value="-r" />
_arg value="${jazz.url}" />
_arg value="-u" />
_arg value="${userId}" />
_arg value="-P" />
_arg value="build" />
_arg value="-v" />
_arg value="-s" />
_arg value="${}" />
_arg value="-t" />
_arg value="${}" />

And I received:

Delivering changes from "Java EE Development" into "Global
No baselines to flow.
Problem running 'deliver':
Cannot flow components via command line interface.
Result: 19

Then, I have changed the code to deliver from the build repository
workspace like this:

_exec executable="${scm.home}/scm.exe">
_arg value="deliver" />
_arg value="-r" />
_arg value="${jazz.url}" />
_arg value="-u" />
_arg value="${userId}" />
_arg value="-P" />
_arg value="build" />
_arg value="-v" />
_arg value="-s" />
_arg value="${source.workspace}" />
_arg value="-t" />
_arg value="${}" />
_rg value="-C" />
_arg value="Web Interface App" />

And I receive:

Delivering changes from "Java EE Build Workspace" into "Global
Baselines to flow:
Component "Web Interface App" baseline 26 -
Comment: Snapshot created by automated build
Problem running 'deliver':
Cannot flow components via command line interface.
Result: 19

Why is it trying to deliver a component??? The component specified in -C
argument already exists in the target stream. As I understand the SCM
CLI command, it should deliver the changes of the specified component.
Not deliver a component itself. Right?

I am going to try upgrading to iFix3 but meanwhile... any help
on this?

Thanks in advance,


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Jose Miguel Ordax Cassa (2.4k4126100) | answered Jun 18 '10, 5:45 a.m.
After upgrading to iFix3 some problem, I decided to open a WI at Defect 118427



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Jose Miguel Ordax Cassa (2.4k4126100) | answered Jun 21 '10, 12:27 p.m.
On 6/18/2010 11:45 AM, Chemi wrote:
After upgrading to iFix3 some problem, I decided to open a WI at Defect 118427



Fixed. It was a permission problem. I left the WI opened because I
understand the real problem is the error message then:

"Build user has no permission to deliver to target stream" instead of
"Cannot flow components via command line interface".



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