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Is it possible to get test suite associated test cases and test results

Prasad Makkena (1716) | asked Dec 06 '19, 4:57 a.m.

 Hi Team,

I would like to get Test plan contains test suite and test case and test results using report builder.
My scenario is like test plan contains test suite and test suite contains the test cases. I am trying to get test plan name, test suite, total number of test cases in test suite, how many passed, failed etc.

Could you please let us know if this possible using report builder?

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Bharath Rao (915241) | answered Dec 08 '19, 10:14 p.m.

 Hi Prasad,

Yes, you can use JRS with DCC / LQE to generate a report according to the requirement mentioned.

This is the artifact relationship:
You start with Test Plan > Test Suite > Test Cases > Test Case Results

Add a calculated value column for Passed and Failed Test Results in the Format Results section of the report.

Hope it helps!

Please mark the question as answered or let me know if you need any further assistance.


Prasad Makkena commented Dec 09 '19, 2:58 a.m.

Thanks Bharath for answer however I am using LQE configuration as data source. I can see Test Plan->TestSuite->testsuite results but testcase not showing. Should I use only LQE or LQE configuration also fine?

Bharath Rao commented Dec 09 '19, 3:24 a.m.

LQE scoped by configuration is used when you have project areas with configuration management enabled.

Prasad Makkena commented Dec 09 '19, 3:30 a.m.

Yes, We have enabled configuration management. I have used artificat type as test plan and relationship is test plan->test suite->Test case option not showing. did I missed anything here? Please assist. 

Bharath Rao commented Dec 09 '19, 5:19 a.m.

Try the below trace-relationship, 

<QM Test Plan> → Contains Test Suite (Required) → <QM Test Suite> → Run By (Required) → <QM Test Suite Execution Record> → Produces Test Suite Result (Required) → <QM Test Suite Result> → Has Test Result (Required) → <QM Test Result> → Reports on Test Case (Required) → <QM Test Case>

You may play around with the Required / Optional settings in the trace relation ship.

Also, there may be easier ways to get the traceability you are looking for. You could explore the trace relationship starting from Test Case Results and so on..

let me know if it helps!

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