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Problem with Uploading Floating Licenses

I recently installed CLM/JTS in a private server environment. No issues and all initial diagnostics looked good. I was able to login to the admin page in JTS to begin uploading my licenses from the host machine. I open up the License Key Management page and I configured the settings for the Floating License Sever with the URI as https://my_domain:9443/jts and when I test the connection it works. I go to add a license under the Floating License Server section, I try to upload the license and it will sit there with the wizard open attempting to upload and eventually I get an error: "The upload did not complete in a reasonable amount of time; the server may be unavailable. ID CRJAZ1490E" this was done in internet explorer.
On the same network, I opened a mozilla firefox browser and tried to do the upload and got the following:
When I upload the .zip with the license in it, I get an error: "A .zip file was uploaded and checked for license keys, but no license keys were found. ID CRJAZ1399E"
When I unpack the zip and directly upload the RDNG_analyst floating .jar file, I get a different error: "The uploaded license key does not appear to be a CAL or server key. ID CRJAZ1337E"
At the bottom of the page, there is a section for a IBM Common Licensing Service that says it is not configured. Could this be the issue?
Am I missing a step in the installation process by chance? Does anyone have any kind of advice on how to troubleshoot this kind of issue? Any insight that can be provided would be much appreciated. I am a novice when it comes to working with IBM applications and this is my first time setting up a tool of this nature.
Environment specs:
Apache Derby, JDBC embedded driver
Jazz Foundation - Core Libraries
One answer

IBM tech support was able to troubleshoot this issue with me. The problem was with the license that was downloaded from the License Key Center. Even though the software and licenses were only downloaded a week ago, for some unknown reason the license was old enough that the newer software was refusing to accept it. An indicator that the license was out-dated was looking at the last modified date of the .jar files inside the .zip for the licenses as they were from back in 2014. IBM license support was able to resolve the problem and get me updated licenses.