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Need to understand DNG change set behavior in CLM 6061

Vani B (1391273) | asked Nov 20 '19, 9:39 p.m.

It appears that when a change set is created, it is not what could be called a true "snapshot" of the stream content, which is evidenced by the following example sequence:

  1. User 1 creates a change set from a stream, makes some changes, and gets out of the change set without delivering it.
  2. Next, User 2 creates a change set from the same stream, makes some changes, and delivers the change set.
  3. Next, User 1 goes back into his change set, and can now see some or all (but not always all) of the changes made by User 2.

Would like to understand if this change set behavior is as intended or if it indicates a problem with the tool.

If it is expected that User 1 should be able to see the User 2 changes, then (since not all changes can always be seen) would like to understand what type of changes should be expected to be seen and what type of changes should not be expected to be seen.

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Ian Barnard (2.0k613) | answered Nov 21 '19, 3:57 a.m.
edited Nov 21 '19, 3:59 a.m.
Hi Vani

In the Knowledge Center it says "A change set is a collection of related modifications to shared artifacts that is delivered to a stream, and can later be delivered to another stream." see

So a changeset is definitely *not* a snapshot - if you want that take a baseline and create a stream from it. The changeset only "contains" the edits the user has made, everything else visible when working in the changeset is from the (possibly changing) stream the changeset was created in.

In your scenario at step 3, User 1 working in their change set will see all the changes delivered by User 2 except where User 1 has modified an artifact (in their change set) that User 2 has delivered a change to, and then User 1 will see their own modifications not those from User 2. When User 1 delivers their change set they will have to resolve the conflicting changes on these artifacts..

So yes what you describe is the expected behaviour.

There is a useful article on patterns for stream usage here

Vani B selected this answer as the correct answer

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