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Synchronize requirements from Rhapsody model manager to DNG

Divya Hole (114) | asked Nov 11 '19, 2:16 a.m.

Hi All,

I tried importing the Software requirements from Rhapsody Model Manager(8.3.1 ) to DNG(6.0.6) and I am able to get the requirements from Rhapsody Model manager in DNG.

After that,I am able to synchronize the changes from DNG to Rhapsody model manager.But I am not able to  synchronize the changes from Rhapsody model manager requirements to DNG.

Is there any way  to achieve synchronization of changes from Rhapsody model manager synchronize to DNG?

Thank you in advance.

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Graham Bleakley (611) | answered Nov 13 '19, 6:55 a.m.
Hi Divya

Rhapsody Model Manager sees requirements from DNG as remote resources, they are the actual requirements sitting in DNG. As such thay cannot be edited in Model Manager or the Rhapsody thick client, they need to be edited in DNG.
There is an option to create DOORS/DNG requirements on the main Rhapspdy MM menu (do not use the tools bars on diagrams) which then creates a picker so you can select the correct DOORS/DNG Module/Collection to put the requirement in.

You then author the requirement in DOORS/DNG.

Best regards Graham Bleakley

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