How to get stream from workspace
2 answers

Can you elaborate on what you mean by 'fetch the stream out of it'.
A repository workspace can:
-have 0 flow targets, or many flow targets
-the flow targets can be repository workspaces or streams (or a mix)
-individual flow targets can have a direction set, incoming or outgoing
-one of the flow targets can be set as the 'current' incoming or outgoing flow target
-one of the flow targets can be set as the 'default' incoming or outgoing flow target
-It is also important to note that a given flow target may be inaccessible... this can happen when the flow target (repository workspace or stream) has since been deleted, or permissions have been changed on it such that the user no longer has visibility to it. The workspace keeps track of the list of flow targets as handles, so in the Eclipse UI if it tries to fetch it, and it can't, it shows "<inaccessible flow target>" as the label.
-In the Eclipse and Visual Studio RTC clients, you can open the workspace in an editor, and scroll down to the "Flow Targets" section to see the list of flow targets.
-As Ralph mentioned, you can create a stream from a given repository workspace. Select the workspace in the Team Artifacts view, and select "New" --> "Stream...".