RQM RRDG trace to artifacts in different context
We have built an RPE template that extracts data from RQM. In the report I also want to print the global configuration and the requirements linked to each test case.
I have done many such reports and they all work fine when I generate them from RPE Launcher. When I upload the template as a report resource in RQM and run it from there it doesn;t work however to print artifacts that are in a different context than qm (the global configuration and the dng artifacts). Is there any known issue related to this?
The error I am receiving is that the authentication to <url> failed.
One answer
Hi Oana,
RPE reports that cross multiple domains like in your case GC, DNG are supported only via RPE thick client or RPE Document Builder https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SS6RHZ_6.0.6.1/com.ibm.rational.pe.overview.doc/topics/c_doc_generating.html.
If you are looking to share such reports with wider group in your organisation, I suggest to use RPE Document Builder, web version focused on document generation.