Unload and Delete All Repository Workspaces
I am using an RTC Eclipse client. And My goal is to Unload and delete all the loaded respository workspaces from my client at the same time. I am looking to automate the whole process of selecting all RWS and then subsequently Unload and Delete the RWSs. but I am not aware if there exists a REST API or a feature that lets you do that. Is there anyway to achieve this ?
One answer
The first question that comes to mind is:
Why would you want to do that? Requiring such an automation seems to indicate that there is a proliferation of repository workspaces. In addition there are limitations on how many loaded components RTC can handle, especially if there is a need to detect local changes. this should really not be an issue.
Secondly, in RTC 6.0.x all your repository workspaces show up in the team artifacts view in the My Workspaces section. It is easy to select one or more workspaces, right-click and use the Unload Menu entry. Same with delete. The same should be visible and possible in the pending changes view.
Thirdly, the Eclipse client is developed using the RTC SDk wich is a JAVA API, available and could be used for this kind of automation. You first have to understand what API’s are available and what you can extend. Read https://rsjazz.wordpress.com/2015/09/30/learning-to-fly-getting-started-with-the-rtc-java-apis/ if you want to go there.