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Jenkins teamconcert plugin discard changesets & in RTC unloaded components are shown in pending changes view

Rakesh A (33533) | asked Sep 18 '19, 6:09 a.m.

Hi ,
I am using the team concert plug-in and facing a problem, where the change-sets are discarded .

I make some changes --> Then Check-in operation is also completed successfully. --> I trigger the Build.

Question 1:
The Jenkins team concert plug-in discards the change-sets.  Why is it so ?

Question 2:
If Question 1, is expected behavior.  What is the alternative for user give builds before delivery ?
personal build option ?

Question 3:
In my pending changes view, I have not selected "Show components which are not loaded" filter.
But after build given for that workspace, even unloaded components are shown. why ?
And I am not able to activate seeing only loaded components in workspace.

2 answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Sep 20 '19, 5:27 a.m.

 Do not ask multiple unrelated questions in one question. Create several questions. 

Q1: Builds do not discard change sets as far as I can tell. This might be a language issue. Discarding means to remove a change set from a configuration and is a specific UI action.
Q2: It is possible to run personal builds in JBE. Personal builds load the users repository workspace. You should be able to do this in Jenkins as well. Note: The repository workspace to be built needs to be accessible to the build user -> make it public.  
Q3: This works for me in Create a defect with support.

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Rakesh A (33533) | answered Nov 25 '19, 2:41 a.m.
Q1 : This is what I see on the Jenkins build page. It is mentioned as "Discarded".
I have two change sets. I give a build --> On Jenkins, after build view i can see there are two commits. Clicking on build results shows like below :
0 change sets accepted
2 change sets discarded

Why it is showing as 2 discarded even though the change sets are accepted & present in workspace. ?

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