How to Restore members that were deleted from RTC Project Area?
Recently we faced an issue where a user has removed 200+ members from a project area. I wanted to know if there is any way we can restore these users along with the roles that they previously had in the project area.
Note : The users exist in the jazz repository, but are only deleted from RTC Project area.
One answer
One can look at the history of the project to see who and what roles. [ web UI ]
Choose Manage this Project area from the settings menu
Click on the History link on the left
I don't know if there is a way to use REST call to get the project history, so your quest will be painful if there isn't.
Thanks for the reply Kevin. Though this option is valid but will be hectic as there are 200+ users that need to be restored, I was looking for any other feasible way to do so.
Would have to go with this if no easier solution turns out.
Well, there is an apparent way to find history using perhaps curl. The form is:
All the <words> are placeholders for real values. One can find the UUID of the project by following the jp06:projectAreas tag in the rootservices document. This will be a paged output and one will have to figure out how to step from one page to the next to peel away the layers.
Also, the history doesn't indicate what roles user may have possessed ( even when rooting through the history with curl calls. If lots of users were deleted on save of the project they'll be listed in the same history entry.
I have a 100 line Perl script that will read pages of project history and spit out who took action, the time stamp and the name(s) of the user(s) that were removed on that action.
Unfortunately, this forum doesn't lend itself to posting attachments. Let me see if there is a work item I opened where I could attach and add you as subscriber so you could grab.
See RTC Defect 490726.