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RTC: Work Items with large number of Links refresh the links in batches

Ulrich Simon (1514) | asked Feb 22 '21, 7:30 a.m.
I have two RTC installations, both in version They contain many Work Items, and some Work Items contain about 300 links (Parent-Child and Tracks-Contributes To). In one system, the Parent Work Item loads very quickly, and when the Links view loads in the browser, the message "Work Items with a large number of links update links in batches" is displayed. This is the expected behavior.
However, in the other system, this message does not appear and loading of the parent work item is blocked for a long time.
Is there a flag in the advanced properties that I missed?

Ralph Schoon commented Feb 23 '21, 5:32 a.m. | edited Feb 23 '21, 5:33 a.m.

Ulrich, I have never heard about this and there  is no obvious setting in RTC/EWM that I could see. I would contact support. As an alternative, you could compare the files of your CCM servers for a difference. 

As always, size matters and hundreds of links just need time to be loaded to be used and displayed.

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