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Rpe taking long time for report generation

sreenath v (78577) | asked Sep 02 '19, 8:35 a.m.

 When I am trying to generate RPE document it's taking long time for generation as it's downloading the data very slowly.As I deleted unwanted output format same thing happen s.Then I observed that the URL used for data source scheme like https://hostname:944/rm/publish/modules?resourceURI= module id

It's taking long time to give the data.

so what will be the problem ?
The modules only have 40artifacts taking 30min to get generated the report

2 answers

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Rosa Naranjo (2.9k11723) | answered Sep 02 '19, 9:13 a.m.

Have you tried artifact_format = resources, and moduleURI= instead of resourceURI=
Filter by module https://server:port/rm/publish/[artifact_format]?moduleURI=module1 Returns the artifacts that are in a module. https://server:port/rm/publish/resources?moduleURI=_c1cm0L3VEeCPFbe791FOoQ

What happens if you put that URI in a browser? Does it take same amount of time? Any clues in rm.log?

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sreenath v (78577) | answered Sep 02 '19, 10:23 a.m.

Usually when i put the url in browser the amount of time will be in fast.So what happens is the downloading artifacts by rpe from The URL provided is taking time.So anyway to retrieve data fastly.Anyone came across samw situation?No clue from rm.log bcz RM is working faster Oy XML scheme loading taking time

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