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How to know if a workspace or component has a given VersionableHandle or filitem?

akshay p (15119) | asked Aug 16 '19, 2:53 a.m.
edited Aug 16 '19, 7:07 a.m. by Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646)

 I have the versionableHandle of a file item and item id & state id of it.

I have a set of work space ids, component handle along with component id.

Can i know the versionableHandle i am having is present in the list of workspaces i have?


For example,

I have a file 'a.c' in a component 'TestComponent' in Stream 1 and stream 2.

In Stream1 a.c's state/version is (1) and in Stream2 its state/version is (3) because someone has modified it.


Now i know the versionable of the file a.c that is uuid lets say 'uuid1' and state 'state1/(2)'.


i want to know if the stream1 and stream2 have the combination of a.c with state2, how to achieve it?


Please note i have uuid and state id of file a.c along with workspace id and also component id/component handle.


Please suggest.

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