Hi Jazz launch
I am trying the HiJazzWeb tutorial with RTC
It instructs using a web launch configuration from JazzServerRunAndDebug - https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/JazzServerRunAndDebug
The only web launch I see there is JazzServer-Beta2-WebUI.launch, there are a lot of validation errors and throws up a lot of errors on using.
The article also insists that I "Do not use the Add Required Bundles" button when running a launch. How should I identify the right bundles to use?
Also, is there any article on launch files with Jazz, to know which bundles need to be included when developing components on Jazz?
I am trying the HiJazzWeb tutorial with RTC
It instructs using a web launch configuration from JazzServerRunAndDebug - https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/JazzServerRunAndDebug
The only web launch I see there is JazzServer-Beta2-WebUI.launch, there are a lot of validation errors and throws up a lot of errors on using.
The article also insists that I "Do not use the Add Required Bundles" button when running a launch. How should I identify the right bundles to use?
Also, is there any article on launch files with Jazz, to know which bundles need to be included when developing components on Jazz?
3 answers
Hi Adam,
That was the first launch I tried - manually added all the plugins that validate button complained about, and when I run the launch, and login via the web browser, I get this in the eclipse console.
But when I pick a project area I created using any of the process templates - Cloudburst Sample Process / Scrum / Simple Team Process, the HI Jazz link (from the last screenshot in the sample) doesn't show up.
Also, when I click the Add Viewlet button, which gives a list of available viewlets, no viewlets are loaded, and I this message is shown instead:
and the eclipse console has some more errors:
Are there still some more plugins I need to add?
Appreciate your help.
That was the first launch I tried - manually added all the plugins that validate button complained about, and when I run the launch, and login via the web browser, I get this in the eclipse console.
osgi> 14:01:13.375 INFO [Start Level Event Dispatcher] org.mortbay.log.LogImpl.add(LogImpl.java:109) >21> added org.mortbay.log.OutputStreamLogSink@1239780
14:01:13.359 INFO [Start Level Event Dispatcher] org.mortbay.http.HttpServer.doStart(HttpServer.java:684) >16> Version Jetty/5.1.x
14:01:13.390 INFO [Start Level Event Dispatcher] org.mortbay.util.FileResource.<clinit>(FileResource.java:60) >22> Checking Resource aliases
14:01:13.750 INFO [Start Level Event Dispatcher] org.mortbay.util.Container.start(Container.java:75) >22> Started org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.WebApplicationHandler@e73783
14:01:29.109 INFO [Start Level Event Dispatcher] org.mortbay.util.Container.start(Container.java:75) >17> Started WebApplicationContext[/jazz,/jazz]
14:01:29.109 INFO [Start Level Event Dispatcher] org.mortbay.http.SocketListener.start(SocketListener.java:205) >17> Started SocketListener on
14:01:29.562 INFO [Start Level Event Dispatcher] org.mortbay.http.SocketListener.start(SocketListener.java:205) >17> Started SocketListener on
14:01:29.562 INFO [Start Level Event Dispatcher] org.mortbay.util.Container.start(Container.java:75) >15> Started org.mortbay.jetty.Server@e637f0
14:02:17,218 [SslListener1-2] INFO uration.OverridablePropertyFileServerConfiguration - CRJAZ1363I Loading configuration from "com.ibm.team.repository.common/teamserver.properties".
14:02:18,671 [SslListener1-2] INFO .repository.service.internal.rdb.ConnectionFactory - CRJAZ1365I Attempting Initial Database Connection Using
Db Name/Location: C:\Work\Jazz\RTC-ExpressC-Full-\jazz\client\eclipse/../../server/repositoryDB
14:02:21,984 [SslListener1-2] INFO .repository.service.internal.rdb.ConnectionFactory - CRJAZ1364I Initial database connection successful
Db Product Name: Apache Derby
Db Product Version: - (677131)
Db URL: jdbc:derby:C:\Work\Jazz\RTC-ExpressC-Full-\jazz\client\eclipse/../../server/repositoryDB
Jdbc Driver Name: Apache Derby Embedded JDBC Driver
Jdbc Driver Version: - (677131)
14:02:23,468 [SslListener1-2] INFO m.team.fulltext.service.internal.index.IndexConfig - CRJAZ8192I: Fulltext Index Location: C:\Work\Jazz\RTC-ExpressC-Full-\jazz\server\fulltext_index
14:02:23,484 [SslListener1-2] WARN m.team.fulltext.service.internal.index.IndexConfig - CRJAZ8191E: The fulltext index location property (indexLocation) is not set
14:02:24,296 [SslListener1-2] WARN ComponentVersionMismatch - CRJAZ1041I The component is installed in the database but is not present in the server: com.ibm.team.jfs.resource
14:02:27,015 [SslListener1-2] WARN com.ibm.team.repository.servlet.TeamServerServlet - CRJAZ1181I Security notice during initialization: Allowing ADMIN user access. It is recommended that you disable the ADMIN user and create a real user with administrative rights.
14:02:27,046 [SslListener1-2] WARN com.ibm.team.repository.servlet.TeamServerServlet - CRJAZ1182I Security notice during initialization: Allowing identity assertion. This should only be enabled at development time.
But when I pick a project area I created using any of the process templates - Cloudburst Sample Process / Scrum / Simple Team Process, the HI Jazz link (from the last screenshot in the sample) doesn't show up.
Also, when I click the Add Viewlet button, which gives a list of available viewlets, no viewlets are loaded, and I this message is shown instead:
Failed to discover any repositories.
and the eclipse console has some more errors:
14:48:43,828 [SslListener1-1] ERROR ry.service.internal.discovery.RootDiscoveryService - CRJAZ1343E Unable to load services file because no file was configured or found relative to the server configuration.
14:48:43,859 [SslListener1-1] WARN com.ibm.team.repository - Unhandled Exception
java.io.FileNotFoundException: CRJAZ1343E Unable to load services file because no file was configured or found relative to the server configuration.
at com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.discovery.RootDiscoveryService.loadConfiguredContent(RootDiscoveryService.java:93)
at com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.discovery.RootDiscoveryService.getRawContent(RootDiscoveryService.java:58)
at com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.discovery.BaseDiscoveryService.getServiceContent(BaseDiscoveryService.java:111)
at com.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.discovery.BaseDiscoveryService.perform_GET(BaseDiscoveryService.java:87)
at com.ibm.team.repository.service.TeamRawService.service(TeamRawService.java:82)
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor104.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.soda.sat.core.internal.record.ExportProxyServiceRecord.invoke(ExportProxyServiceRecord.java:370)
at org.eclipse.soda.sat.core.internal.record.ExportProxyServiceRecord.access$0(ExportProxyServiceRecord.java:356)
at org.eclipse.soda.sat.core.internal.record.ExportProxyServiceRecord$ExportedServiceInvocationHandler.invoke(ExportProxyServiceRecord.java:56)
at $Proxy86.service(Unknown Source)
at com.ibm.team.repository.servlet.AbstractTeamServerServlet.doRestService(AbstractTeamServerServlet.java:866)
at com.ibm.team.repository.servlet.AbstractTeamServerServlet.handleRequest2(AbstractTeamServerServlet.java:1731)
at com.ibm.team.repository.servlet.AbstractTeamServerServlet.handleRequest(AbstractTeamServerServlet.java:1606)
at com.ibm.team.repository.servlet.AbstractTeamServerServlet.service(AbstractTeamServerServlet.java:1519)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:689)
at org.eclipse.equinox.http.registry.internal.ServletManager$ServletWrapper.service(ServletManager.java:180)
at org.eclipse.equinox.http.servlet.internal.ServletRegistration.handleRequest(ServletRegistration.java:90)
at org.eclipse.equinox.http.servlet.internal.ProxyServlet.processAlias(ProxyServlet.java:111)
at org.eclipse.equinox.http.servlet.internal.ProxyServlet.service(ProxyServlet.java:75)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:689)
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHolder.handle(ServletHolder.java:428)
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.WebApplicationHandler.dispatch(WebApplicationHandler.java:473)
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.ServletHandler.handle(ServletHandler.java:568)
at org.mortbay.http.HttpContext.handle(HttpContext.java:1530)
at org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.WebApplicationContext.handle(WebApplicationContext.java:633)
at org.mortbay.http.HttpContext.handle(HttpContext.java:1482)
at org.mortbay.http.HttpServer.service(HttpServer.java:909)
at org.mortbay.http.HttpConnection.service(HttpConnection.java:820)
at org.mortbay.http.HttpConnection.handleNext(HttpConnection.java:986)
at org.mortbay.http.HttpConnection.handle(HttpConnection.java:837)
at org.mortbay.http.SocketListener.handleConnection(SocketListener.java:245)
at org.mortbay.util.ThreadedServer.handle(ThreadedServer.java:357)
at org.mortbay.util.ThreadPool$PoolThread.run(ThreadPool.java:534)
Are there still some more plugins I need to add?
Appreciate your help.
A little debugging later I find out how to fix my problem, I hope this helps someone else struggling to Hello the web world.
Run -> Run Configurations...-> OSGI Framework-> JFS-10-RTC-20-1-> Arguments-> VM Arguments:
You will already find some entries there. In a new line add the following:
Replace "C:/Work/Jazz/RTC-ExpressC-Full-" with your JAZZ install folder.
Also confirm that the files services.xml & teamserver.properties are present in the "conf/jazz" folder.
The launches provided are incomplete and I hope they get updated soon.
A little debugging later I find out how to fix my problem, I hope this helps someone else struggling to Hello the web world.
Run -> Run Configurations...-> OSGI Framework-> JFS-10-RTC-20-1-> Arguments-> VM Arguments:
You will already find some entries there. In a new line add the following:
Replace "C:/Work/Jazz/RTC-ExpressC-Full-" with your JAZZ install folder.
Also confirm that the files services.xml & teamserver.properties are present in the "conf/jazz" folder.
The launches provided are incomplete and I hope they get updated soon.