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How to get total count of RTC workitems in Rational publishing engine

Anjuri Kelaiya (3732) | asked Aug 05 '19, 8:40 a.m.

 I am generating RPE report which takes RTC parent work item as an input and fetch it's child workitems. Is there a way to get the total count for child work item in RPE?

For e.g, there are n number of tasks and  defects associated with the parent work item. I want the total count of task & Defects linked with parent RTC work item.
Is there a way to get that details in RPE?

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Subramanya Prasad Pilar (4.6k16) | answered Aug 05 '19, 2:01 p.m.
Hi Anjuri,

RTC's reportable API does not return the count of (child) work items. You should use some variable within RPE template and increment it within the query so as to get the count. You can refer to sample template under %rpe_home%\templates\RTC, where variable _count is used for same purpose.
Anjuri Kelaiya selected this answer as the correct answer

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