how to get team area member list by server api
how to get team area member list by server api?
I found I can get team area name :
ICategoryHandle categoryHandle = newState.getCategory();
ICategory category = iac.resolveAuditable(categoryHandle, ICategory.DEFAULT_PROFILE, null);
List teamAreas = category.getAssociatedTeamAreas();
String teamAreaString=category.getName();
ICategory category = iac.resolveAuditable(categoryHandle, ICategory.DEFAULT_PROFILE, null);
List teamAreas = category.getAssociatedTeamAreas();
String teamAreaString=category.getName();
but i need to get this team area memeber list
any one knows?
One answer
From, slightly modified assuming you have a project or team area:
/* * Finds contributors by role on a process area. * * @param processArea * @param roleName * @param monitor * @return * @throws TeamRepositoryException / private IContributorHandle[] findContributorByRole( IProcessArea processArea, String roleName, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws TeamRepositoryException {IProcessServerService processServerService = getService(IProcessServerService.class); IContributorHandle[] members = processArea.getMembers(); IContributorHandle[] matchingContributors = processServerService .getContributorsWithRole(members, processArea, new String[] { roleName }); return matchingContributors; } private IContributor getContributorFromHandle(IContributorHandle handle) throws TeamRepositoryException{ IRepositoryItemService repositoryItemService = getService(IRepositoryItemService.class);; return (IContributor) repositoryItemService.fetchItem(handle, IRepositoryItemService.COMPLETE); } </pre>