Can two jenkins plugin that are extending RtcExtensionProvider can run in same build?
I have two plugins that are extending RtcExtensionProvider. Let's call plugin A and plugin B.
If I install only one of them into jenkins server, then it can work properly.
But if I install both of them into jenkins server, only one plugin can run, another plugin is disabled.
It's very werid when plugin A always run, and plugin B is always disabled, althought I changed installing order or plugins' name.
Accepted answer
Do you know which criterias are used to sort all RTCExtensionProvider plugins, since my both plugin are applicable but plugin A is always invoked although I changed their names, ids and install order.
The extensions are returned by jenkins.model.Jenkins.getInstance().getExtensionList() API. Would be better to post the query regarding the order of the returned extensions in the Jenkins forum.