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Problem in setting up IHS server

vikrant kamble (1323796) | asked Jun 26 '19, 8:01 a.m.

 We are setting up distributed CLM setup for version 6.0.6 on linux server. As part of setup we are configuring IHS server, in one of the step i.e. execute "" file from APP server we are getting below error

Creating the web server definition for webserver1 on node meydvibmpxy01-node.
Parameters for administering IHS web server can also be updated using wsadmin script or admin console.
Web server definition for webserver1 is not created, exception =
org.apache.soap.SOAPException: [SOAPException: faultCode=SOAP-ENV:Client; msg=Read timed out; Read timed out]

WASX7309W: No "save" was performed before the script "/nfs/install/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/configureWebserverDefinition.jacl" exited; configuration changes will not be saved.

I am referring below link -

In the link I am failing at step 23.

vikrant kamble commented Jun 26 '19, 8:02 a.m.

I am setting up CLM distributed topology on Websphere Application Server 

Ralph Schoon commented Jun 26 '19, 10:00 a.m.

Socket Timeout Exceptions ( are usually due to issues with reaching the target. Make sure the servers can be reached manually.

One answer

permanent link
vikrant kamble (1323796) | answered Jun 26 '19, 2:53 p.m. I referred this link,

Determine if the host names are resolved from DNS or local hosts file. - this step helped me to solve problem

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