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Link to Baselined Requirements

Christoph Kurz (112) | asked Jun 21 '19, 7:29 a.m.
edited Jun 21 '19, 9:10 a.m.
I'm trying to implement the following scenario in /rm : I have a requirement in the current stream and want to link to a requirement in a baseline.

How do I do this? When I create a link I have no option to select a baseline or stream. In the baselined requirement I have no option to create a link.

..but I'm not sure if it refers to /rm and also it then refers to

which iMHO is obscure gobbledygook (sorry)

Can somebody please point me in the right direction? This is not a fringe Usecase, In many projects you want to link to a baselined superordinated document/requirements. 

Many thanks in advance...

2 answers

permanent link
Sean F (1.3k250160) | answered Jun 21 '19, 9:56 a.m.
>>This is not a fringe Usecase, In many projects you want to link to a baselined superordinated document/requirements.

The use case you are referring to was possible within the context of DOORS Classic since it was possible to create baseline sets.

In DOORS Classic you could baseline module A into the baseline set and then link the live version of module B as a work in progress as it was developed and then add it to the baseline set (along with all the links) when it was complete.

But baselines in DNG are much simpler.

You can only baseline the entire project with all the modules being baselined simultaneously.

It was possible to do individual module baselines for a while (introduced in version 5 I think) but this feature was removed again in version 6 so the use case you are thinking about is not really possible in DNG.

permanent link
Christoph Kurz (112) | answered Jun 21 '19, 10:31 a.m.
Thanks for taking the time

In Doors Classic it was possible to set incoming links to a baselined version of a module. This had nothing to do with baseline sets.

The usecase for this is very simple: A system requirements spec (SRS) is finished and baselined, The component requirements documents (CRS) are then derived and linked to requirements in this baseline. At the same time the SRS can be further developed.

You could of course do this with branches, but that sounds awfully convoluted. Or is this the recommended way? Can anyone else confirm that links to baselines are not possible?

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