DOORS NG Custom Attributes Not Displaying Data
DNG 6.0.1. We added a few True/False Yes/No data attributes and applied it the requirement artifact type. We can edit the data and it shows it in the edit screen but in the main screen and on exports the data does not come out. We cannot double click on the field to get a menu or anything to click on. The only editable field is the content field. Any ideas on how to fix this?
Donald Nong
Feb 09 '16, 11:11 p.m.I works for me. Here is what I did.
1. Create a new attribute data type as "enumerated list of values", and add two values - 0:No and 1:Yes.
2. Create a new attribute of the new data type.
3. Add the new attribute to an artifact type.
I can then see the value every place it should appear.
Unless you can give details about your problem, for example, how you added the value, what is the "main screen", what is the "export", and etc, I doubt others can figure out what's going on at your end.