SPARQL triple variable filter
I have moved into using SPARQL in the report builder for the added functionality. As a demo, I have built a report that lists the artifacts inside a requirement collection. When running the report, all collections are shown with all artifacts that are used by the collections.
This is as expected.
Now I want to filter to only show the artifacts in a specific collection. To do this I use the collection Id. I set the oslc_rm_RequirementCollection1_identifier variable on the 'run report' page of report builder. Here is where the problem is. That filter seems to be a 'contains' filter, not an 'equals' filter. If I enter 867 as the collection id, it will display the collection 867 as well as any others that contain it, for example 38672.
How do I change this to get an 'exact' match rather than a 'contains' match?
The line of interest in the code is:
?oslc_rm_RequirementCollection1_uri dcterms:identifier ?oslc_rm_RequirementCollection1_identifier.