OSLC Automation Provider: Is 'Automation Plan' same as 'Test Plan' in RQM?

One answer

Hi Umeshkumar,
Automation Plan and TestPlan are one and the same thing. Any Test Plan which is associated to a automation Testcase can be termed as Automation Plan.
Eg : Import a automated TestScript, lets say a Commandline TestScript. Associate it to a TestCase. This testcase now will be called as automation TestCase. Now link it to a TestPlan. This TestPlan can also be termed as Automation Plan
Automation Plan and TestPlan are one and the same thing. Any Test Plan which is associated to a automation Testcase can be termed as Automation Plan.
Eg : Import a automated TestScript, lets say a Commandline TestScript. Associate it to a TestCase. This testcase now will be called as automation TestCase. Now link it to a TestPlan. This TestPlan can also be termed as Automation Plan