Is it only possible to get an ArtifactRef through the RM.Events generated by selecting/opening artifacts?.
I'm currently looking into how to create a widget for DOORS NG for maintaining modules/requirements in a project. I'm intending to add it to the Project Dashboard for easy access for all team members.
It should show statistics of requirements and diagnose any mistakes in the requirements (e.g. wrong combination of different attribute values, missing links etc.). I've briefly looked through a couple of example widgets (the ASIL Value Checker and Status Summary widgets) and they all seem to require that an Artifact (Module or requirement) has been selected, by the user by subscribing to the RM.Event:
RM.Event.subscribe(RM.Event.ARTIFACT_OPENED, function(ref)
They receive a ref to the modules or requirement, and then use it to access attributes which they can update or filter.
How would a widget pinned to a Project Dashboard get a ref to a project area to possibly find a module/requirement belonging to a project area? (which it then can retrieve information/Attributes from).
Is it only possible to get an ArtifactRef through the RM.Events generated by selecting/opening artifacts?.
Best regards
Per Viberg