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How to customize TraceabilityRTCPlainJavaAPI/Validity editor/aspice plugins?

I am using TraceabilityRTCPlainJavaAPI.getAllValidAssociations to get all valid associations present in a component.
This is used with "ValidityService" solution to store/retrieve all valid associations from the component which may be present in 'N' number of streams.
Example :
Stream1 (component A (state-x))
Stream2 (component A with state-x+1))
In Stream1, we have a file a.c(state y) and b.c(state z)
In stream2, we have same file from stream 1 that is a.c(state y+1) with different state and b.c(state z).
if some one creates an association between a.c(y) and b.c(z), this data will go to DBservice DB and data is saved.
So now DB contains below data
component A -->a(y) b(z)
When some one queries getAllValidAssociations API from stream1 the data from DB is retrieved i.e. 1 row will be retrieved (component A -->a(y) b(z))
However when someone queries getAllValidAssociations API from stream2 , same data will be retrieved because component in both streams is same.
But i want to filter this data because i don't want a(y) b(z) because stream2 has a(y+1) only.
How i can customize this plugin and how i can get access or see how data looks like in DB service and how i can directly connect to DB via some database tools and what are my possibilities to to customize the database.