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Cannot access the URL https://localhost:7443/jazz/admin

Sanjeet Pattnaik (1515) | asked Mar 25 '19, 5:08 a.m.
Hello folks,

We are configuring Rational Team Concert SDK in our windows server. Currently we are following the guide published in the forum itself. The version we are trying to set up is 6.0.3. Everything seems to be in working condition till step 1.6. To test the Jetty based debug server launch, we have to access the URL <https://localhost:7443/jazz/admin> and click on "Active Services" to start the debugging process in the Eclipse. But we are unable to access it. We have revisited the steps just to be sure that we are on the right track. Even after a thorough monitoring of the steps we have done, we have no clue as to why we are unable to access it. 

Our windows servers are now using only TLSv1.2 to communicate. All other protocols have been disabled in the "regedit" of the server. Is it because of that? We can access the other URL though which is <https://localhost:9443/ccm/admin>. If the reason is TLSv1.2, we have made the changes in the server.startup.bat to only allow the current protocol. Is there anything else we are missing here? 

Any suggestions to resolve the issue are welcome.

Guide we are following: RTC603ExtPoT

Sanjeet Pattnaik

Luca Martinucci commented Mar 25 '19, 8:06 a.m. | edited Mar 25 '19, 8:08 a.m.

Does Jetty start?

If it does, what does the Jetty log say? 

2 answers

permanent link
misha rajpoot (341) | answered Mar 25 '19, 5:30 a.m.

 I am also looking for the solution of it since long time if anyone of you have any solution so please provide .

permanent link
Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Mar 25 '19, 8:42 a.m.

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