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Work item status widget

Bharath Rao (915241) | asked Mar 19 '19, 3:33 a.m.

I have workitems in CCM with certain workflow. I have added widget on dashboard for showing the count of workitems as per status. This widget shows the count with horizontal bar.
How could I set which bar to come first and which next so that it is aligned as per the workflow rather than in random order?

2 answers

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Bharath Rao (915241) | answered Mar 19 '19, 3:35 a.m.

There is no out of the box solution to this requirement.

An alternate way to achieve the same would be to this would be to use JRS to create the report on the work items and add the report to the dashboard

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misha rajpoot (341) | answered Mar 19 '19, 6:01 a.m.

 will it work really Bharath Rao.

Bharath Rao commented Mar 19 '19, 6:11 a.m.

 yes, Mishra Rajpoot.

I have created a JRS report to generate the graphical report on work item status.

Are you facing any issues ?

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