RQM - Option to Run a Query on 'Formal Review' states for 'Test Case'
Within a test case - By default we have a section 'Formal Review'.
There are two options:
1. Approval
2. Review
And each of these two has 'Two' states.
1. Approved or Rejected
2. Reviewed or Rejected
So the question:
Can i run a JRS query to know the state of the 'Review', for a particular test case?
Right now, i do not see this option within DataWarehouse or LQE - within JRS report builder.
Accepted answer
Hi Parameswaran,
Yes, you can get the status of review for a test case in JRS using LQE as the data source with the below trace relationship:
QM Test Case > Formal Review > Quality Approval > Approval Descriptor > Approval > Approval 1
In the Format Results section, select Approval Descriptor, add the attribute Cumulative State or Select Approval and add Approval State depending on the requirement.
Refer below forum link for the difference:
Please mark the questions as answered if it helps or let me know if you have any questions.
Hi Bharat,
In the trace relationship - i do not see the option of 'Formal Review' - for a 'QM Test Case'.
Is this a kind of configuration which we need to somehow enable in the QM server - so that i see 'Formal Review' for the trace with 'QM Test Case'?
Note: What i see today is:
1. Change Request:
2. QM Execution Record
3. QM Test Plan
4. QM Test Result
5. QM Test Script
6. Requirement
For QM Test Case > Pick a relationship > under Quality Approval > Formal Review.
This option is available only with LQE data source in JRS. It is unavailable for Rational DataWarehouse
Hi Parameswaran,
For QM Test Case > Pick a relationship > under Quality Approval > Formal Review.
This option is available only with LQE data source in JRS. It is unavailable for Rational DataWarehouse
Hi Bharat,
Thank you for the details.
Actually i do not see this option in my office or company server.
However i see this in the trace relationship within the jazz.net.
So, the question now is - is there something that we need to enable in our RQM application or JRS - in order to see this option within the the trace relationship?