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RTC Post build delivery gets statusCode=400 error on Jenkins

Zichuan Zou (135) | asked Feb 25 '19, 8:48 p.m.
edited Feb 26 '19, 9:50 a.m.

 The build definition is set to have Post-build Delivery when it builds successfully. Build engine is Jenkins and I got following error from Jenkins'  console output (when build succeeds). It won't trigger post build deliver when build fails:

10:15:06 FATAL: POST request to returned statusCode=400
10:15:06 Setting the build status to FAILURE.
10:15:06 Post build deliver failed for build result Queued in target for engine Jenkins engine 2(_GI3DokOEe6v_nfZ1GCQ).
10:15:06 Build step 'RTC Post Build Deliver ' changed build result to FAILURE
10:15:06 Recording fingerprints
10:15:06 Finished: FAILURE


And the changes are not delivered.

The version number of RTC Eclipse: 6.0.4

Jenkins version: 2.150.1

Team Concert Plugin for Jenkins:

The build is scheduled on a fixed time interval.

Any help is appreciated.

The following message may be more revealing:
    {"errorMessage":"CRJAZ0024I An error occurred retrieving from the location &quot;virtual&#x2F;build&#x2F;result&#x2F;_ekxKsDmDEem6v_nfZn1GCQ&#x2F;participant&quot;. See the following exception message: Resource not found: build&#x2F;result&#x2F;_ekxKsDmDEem6v_nfZn1GCQ&#x2F;participant ","errorClass":"","errorCode":404}

<span style=", Helvetica, sans-serif; Helvetica Neue&quot; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); color: rgb(36, 39, 41); font-family: Arial, &quot; font-size: 15px;">  </span>

Ralph Schoon commented Feb 26 '19, 10:17 a.m.

Who would post anything to ?

Do you have an internal demonstrator with public URI for the CCM server, upgraded from RTC 1.x or 2.x?  
10:15:06 FATAL: POST request to returned statusCode=400

Zichuan Zou commented Feb 26 '19, 11:09 a.m. | edited Feb 26 '19, 11:10 a.m.

It is posting to an internal link, I replaced it with "" 

As far as I know, there have no upgrades for the Jenkins server or all the plugins or RTC Eclipse happened recently. 

Also, how can I delete those html elements that come from nowhere? I tried, but the system said my question was a spam then I have to revert it.

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