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Can custom category values be Team Specific ?

Abhishek Biswas (52113) | asked Feb 04 '19, 1:07 a.m.
We have a single Project Area with around 10 Team Areas.

We have defined an custom category "Function" and want to reuse across all the Team Areas.

However the values which needs to be displayed (and selected) under the Function category are completely different from one Team to another.

Is it somehow possible to make the category values Team Area specific.
Or any separate idea to achieve the above ?

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Feb 04 '19, 2:22 a.m.

 The main purpose of categories are to select the team owning the work item and to categorize the item further. So, the answer is yes. So you would usually create a category and team mapping like this:

Function/Team1/Subfunction1 => Team 1
Function/Team2/Subfunction2 => Team 2

The left side is a tree like structure that makes sense to you, there is usually a level where the team gets selected and underneath that level you usually sub categorize within the team. E.g.
UI/ => UI Team
DB/ => DB Team

are used to sub-categorize within the UI team. 

Abhishek Biswas selected this answer as the correct answer

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