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EMF resource API for Jazz repository

Weiping Lu (452910) | asked Jan 10 '08, 2:55 p.m.
Is there any API available in Jazz that implements EMFs org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource, so that EMFs resource APIs can be used to interact with the Jazz repository? Any help along this line would be appreciated

2 answers

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Rafik Jaouani (5.0k16) | answered Jan 18 '08, 8:59 p.m.
There is no such API. Jazz objects are persisted in the repository and fetched from the repository as individual objects. There is no need to attach them to resources. Can you be more specific on why you would need resource based APIs?

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Weiping Lu (452910) | answered Jan 18 '08, 9:04 p.m.
I did find this out too after posting the previous mesage, and have already found a sulotion to my task. Thanks for the reply.


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