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RQM 6.0.5 : How to delete default Lab properties?

khouri joelle (1317) | asked Dec 05 '18, 11:58 a.m.

When a new lifecycle project is created, a set of Lab Resource and Channel Properties values are created by default for the existing types (CPU, Installed Software, etc...).

Is it possible :

1/ to avoid the creation of these values by default,

2/ to delete them at one time (for the moment the procedure is : for each type of property, hide the values one by one and then delete them one by one...)

Thanks a lot for help... I have a lot of projects to create :(

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Antonio Napoles (2861) | answered Dec 06 '18, 11:30 a.m.

  Hi Khouri

Unfortunately, there is not such a way to prevent the lab management catalog to be created. This is done during the project area initialization. There is not a way to delete a set of lab resources either. You may build an automation tool to repeat this task in all your project areas using the REST API:


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