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RTC Delegated Dialog - CSP frame-ancestor

I am trying to integrate RTC with another application. I used oslc service discovery to find the url for a Selection Dialog that I want to embed in an iframe from a modal in my application.
When loading the modal I get the following error in the console (Chrome):
Refused to display 'https://<server>:<port>/ccm/pickers/com.ibm.team.workitem.WIPicker?projectAreaId=<proj_area>&showLoginLink=true&allowsMultiple=true&dc%3Atype=defect' in a frame because an ancestor violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "frame-ancestors 'self' https://<server>:<port>".
Is there a setting in RTC where I can whitelist the ip and port where my application is running?
Accepted answer

You have to append a protocol specifier to the url, ie:
Oana Capatana
Nov 20 '18, 3:11 a.m.I have found the setting but now I am getting this error:
Uwe Berthold
Nov 19 '19, 1:19 a.m.Did you ever manage to solve this "dojo/parser::parse() error" issue?