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Import and export in Rational DOORS Next Generation

Deepali Deshmukh (8914260) | asked Feb 11 '16, 8:11 a.m.
edited Feb 16 '16, 1:58 a.m.
Hi all,

1. When we have modules in which there are tables.If we export a module in which there are tables in ReqIF file from DOORS to RDNG, artifacts are created for every row of a table. we have to manually delete these artifacts from DNG. How can we avoid these multiple artifacts.

2. I have a use case, in which I have to export some part (Modules) of my requirements to share with vendors. So in what way(Format) I should share so that they should be non editable when imported to vendor's DNG/DOORS . Few attributes should be editable such as comment.

3. I have imported a module from RDNG V 6.0 in ReqIF format. when I again try to import this file in same project area and new module, I cannot find artifacts in newly created module. 

Please guide

Deepali Nigade

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Diana Kraaijeveld (57727) | answered Feb 11 '16, 10:57 a.m.
Hello Deepali,

For question 1:
When using ReqIF, there currently is no way to avoid this behavior.
There is an enhancement request open that discusses this. You may want to subscribe to that RFE and perhaps add your comments to it:
ReqIF handling of each cell in the DOORS table (102049)

There is a manual workaround, explained in the following technote:

Hope it helps.
Kind regards,
Deepali Deshmukh selected this answer as the correct answer

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