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liberty server is getting stopped after starting

Hi Experts,
Really appreciate your guidance here..
I have setup clm 6.0.5 with liberty profile in linux environment.
There I am doing commandline execution and i want to automate that process through script later.
But when after installing clm applications, when i try to start liberty server using the /opt/IBM/JazzTeamserver/server/server.startup.sh , locally within the server its getting started and creating a "clm" liberty profile and its configuration files (server.xml and other configuration files) and the https://myserverip:9443/jts is working fine.
But When i try to remotely call and execute the server.startup script on the server, its getting executed successfully and creating the "clm: liberty profile but suddenly its getting stopped. its showing as liberty server is not started
How can i resolve the issue here
One answer

Hello Experts,
I tried with below command as well which i got from jazz.net , but that is terminating my putty ssh window itself but not starting liberty profile. I am much worried here .
Also how to start and install liberty clm as service in centos ?
exec su root -c "ulimit -n 65536;ulimit -u 10000;/opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/server.startup"