why all artifacts not getting return by OSLC API upon specific scenario?
why all artifacts not getting return by OSLC API upon specific scenario?
In doorsNG, we have created following requirements structure.
At project level created following two requirements one text and module:
At Module#1, added the Requirement#1 (i.e. created a shared requirement)
Request URL: fetching all the requirement artifacts which are updated after given time.
oslc.where=dcterms:modified>="2018-10-26T06:51:18.423Z"^^xsd:dateTime and oslc:instanceShape=<https://{{host}}:{{port}}/rm/types/{{entityTypeKey}}>&oslc.prefix=dcterms=<http://purl.org/dc/terms/>,oslc=<http://open-services.net/ns/core#>&oslc.select=*
Response#1 : all 3 artifacts [expected results)
- base artifact requirement#1,
module artifact #1
- shared requirement#1 in module 1
API result is correct as soon as we are not performing below step.
Step: insert one more child artifact below the shared Requirement#1.
Response#2 : After above operation, API should return all 5 artifact as meeting the criteria. but actual result not holding shared artifact Requirement#1. Expected result [Base Req#1, Module#1, Shared Req#1, Base Child 1.1 , Shared Child 1.1]
Refer the URL for request and response of the API.
Can anyone help us to understand why the API behaviour is getting change upon adding the child artifact in module? i.e. why shared artifact corresponds to base requirement#1 not included in API response even though that artifact is exist and meeting criteria.
Ian Barnard
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER May 19 '22, 3:24 a.m.Hi - what version and ifix are you using?
Please give me an example of the name of the type for requirement#'1 and of modue#1 - these shouldn't be the same type, but the only way I think you can get your response#1 is if they are, because your query is asking for only artifacts of a single specific type. "oslc:instanceShape=<https://{{host}}:{{port}}/rm/types/{{entityTypeKey}}>"
Ian Barnard
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER May 19 '22, 4:01 a.m.When I do the steps as you describe using 7.0.2 iFix009, I get five results, HOWEVER I don't think you should modify the format of an artifact from Text to Module (or vice-versa); the natural way in DN is to define types for your requirements, e.g. Hardware Requirement in Text format, and different types for your modules e.g. Hardware Specification in Module format. If you need a single query to return instances of both these types you can do e.g. oslc:instanceShape in [<requirementsShapeURI>,<moduleShapeURI>]
Using this approach of distinct types for modules and requirements means they can have different attributes which feels quite appropriate because modules are different from requirements you can also easily query just for modules or just requirements.