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Deploying data warehouse to non-standard location

Bob 3 (1482067) | asked Oct 25 '18, 12:37 p.m.

The interactive Rational Continuous Engineering installation guide says,

"Create an empty directory on your database server to be used as the data warehouse base folder. During the setup wizard, you will be asked to enter this directory."
I am deploying Rational CE 6.0.6 with AWS and Amazon RDS, their managed relational database service. This service does not give me access to the DB server file system such that I could create the required empty directory. 
If I locate the data warehouse base folder somewhere else, like on an application server VM, will this cause problems for me?

3 answers

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Natalia Trofimov (391714) | answered Sep 03 '19, 12:01 p.m.

 Hi Bob,

did you find the work around on this issue?
or, anybody knows the work around?

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Bob 3 (1482067) | answered Sep 03 '19, 4:37 p.m.


IBM support provided me a link to 
which provides a breakdown of the data warehouse setup scripts and the ability to customize and run them yourself. 
The steps described below are for informational purposes, for those users curious about the commands executed when the JTS setup wizard (or repotools) creates the data warehouse. We do not recommend that you manually execute the steps below. Scripts that perform these operations are also available in the server installation in the datawarehouse/ directory - we do not recommend that you manually modify or execute these scripts unless advised to do so by IBM support.

I recommend that you customize and then follow these steps before standing up a prototype in a development area.

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Natalia Trofimov (391714) | answered Sep 03 '19, 4:45 p.m.

 thank you Bob!

did it work for you? 
thank you, Natalia

Bob 3 commented Sep 03 '19, 6:00 p.m.

I have not had the bandwidth to test this out. Currently, my JTS implementation has no data warehouse. All of my projects are configuration managed and have little need for the data warehouse. All metric and historical information is stored in the Lifecycle Query Engine. My exploration of this subject was more for getting Workflow Management (RTC) widgets to function properly.

Natalia Trofimov commented Sep 04 '19, 10:22 a.m.

Hi Bob,

I really appreciate your time sharing your experience and expertise. I will post the update if we find the work around.
Thank you,

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