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In DNG - Does creation of streams or baselines ends up copy of artifcats or only references?

Jagan N (133) | asked Sep 10 '18, 4:40 a.m.


The context of this question is on our concern in increasing database size of DOORS.

We know in DOORS are artifacts are not versioned and hence the database size is growing with increasing number of variants. New variants of the modules are created from copying the existing one.

Since DNG works with stream configurations - We believe the data is not duplicated and only uses references or pointers to the base module/stream - such that we don't end up huge increase of our infrastructure every year which happens with DOORS.

Please let me know - if my understanding is correct. Any additional hints on this topics will also be helpful.

Also, as an additional question - Is it possible to measure the size of the baseline or stream as a proof of concept.

Accepted answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Sep 10 '18, 6:45 a.m.
Versioning is used to only store the differences. Please See the FAQ, especially for your question

Jagan N selected this answer as the correct answer

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