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Deploy RPE Report to DNG using JSON Scheam to extract JIRA data

Paul Hannah (156) | asked Aug 31 '18, 2:58 a.m.

I have an RPE Report that extracts data from a DNG Module and its artifacts and then extracts related data from JIRA via Data Source Configuration using http://[Server]:[Port]/rest/api/2/issue/[IssueNo]. This works fine.

I now want to publish this report to DNG to make it available to the project. 

I can publish a report that extracts the DNG Module and Artifact data, but as soon as I add in a JSON data source the report can no longer be run from DNG.

Is is possible to achieve this.

We are using CLM 6.0.3 and RPE 6.0.5

Accepted answer

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Fariz Saracevic (919613) | answered Aug 31 '18, 5:48 p.m.
edited Aug 31 '18, 5:49 p.m.

Hi Paul,

You will need to use either RPE thick client or RPE Document Builder (web interface) to share RPE template that extracts data from both DNG and JIRA with the team. In another words, what you are trying by publishing such template to the DNG server is not possible, nor supported.

Paul Hannah selected this answer as the correct answer

Kumaraswamy Gowda commented Aug 31 '18, 9:45 p.m.

Hi Paul,

There are certain restrictions with the templates deployed in DNG.. like DSC data source names should start with underscore, data source schema name should be specific etc.

In addition to what Fariz mentioned, feel free to raise an RFE against DNG.


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